The Trustees offer an Assistant Trustee programme, intended to provide a whānau member, who may be interested in standing for election as Trustee in future, the opportunity to participate in the operation of the Trust for 12-18 months.

During this year of working alongside Trustees, the Assistant Trustee will observe the role of Trustee, contribute to discussions, and share from own experiences.

This position offers the opportunity to participate in the governance of the Trust, attending Trustee hui, gaining governance experience and insights to the Trust’s business. The Assistant Trustee may also be involved in an agreed project for the benefit of the Trust.

The Assistant Trustee is not bound by the responsibilities of a full Trustee.

APPLICATIONS are now open - form at the bottom of the page.

Applications close on the 31st of July 2024

Time Committment

The Assistant Trustee is expected to attend the monthly board meeting which is typically held on the third Tuesday of every month from 3pm to 6pm

The Trustee Assistant is encouraged to attend Trust Sub Committee meetings which on occasion are held on the farm and in the Forest, typically on a week day. There are 4 Trust Sub committees that hold 2 to 3 meetings each per year. In person or by zoom.

Assistant Trustee Project

The Assistant Trustee will be tasked with a project by Trustees to research a particular topic that will benefit the Trust. The Assistant Trustee must complete research in their own time and report back on progress to the Trust at the monthly meeting and provide a written report at the end of their term. Projects are not intended to be overly complex or time consuming.

Experience & Key Competencies Required

The Assistant Trustee should have a good amount of life and work experience to enable them to participate and contribute to board meetings. The Trust is particularly interested in candidates that have experience in Farming, Forestry, or Finance, however these skills are not essential.


The Assistant Trustee will be remunerated with a meeting fee for attendance at Trust meetings.

Process for Appointment

An application form and resume must be submitted to the Trustees by the required date. A selection panel will then make a decision.

Duration of Role

The role runs between 12 months and 18 months dependent on time of appointment.


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