Ki te hinga tētahi o te whānau, ānō nei tētahi totara haemata o ngā Ahimanawa, ka pōkeao rawa te whānau mate. E whakawaingohia ana Te
Awahohonu Forest Trust i ngā taumahatanga o te wā mā tēnei pūtea manaaki, arā, te Rau Karearea. Ahakoa he iti, he iti nō te ngākau aroha ki te whānau mate. Mā te huruhuru te karearea e topa, e kohikohi, e whāngai hoki.
If a family member passes, like a great totara of the Ahimanawa, sadness overcomes the family. Te Awahōhonu Forest Trust alleviate some of the burden with the pūtea manaaki, known as Te Rau Karearea. Despite being a mere contribution, it is a heartfelt gesture to the bereaved. With feathers the great hawk could soar, gather and provide sustenance.