Pūtea Manaaki for Tangihanga
28 April 2020

Ki te hinga tētahi o te whānau, ānō nei tētahi totara haemata o ngā

Ahimanawa, ka pōkeao rawa te whānau mate. E whakawaingohia ana Te

Awahohonu Forest Trust i ngā taumahatanga o te wā mā tēnei pūtea manaaki,

arā, te Rau Karearea. Ahakoa he iti, he iti nō te ngākau aroha ki te whānau

mate. Mā te huruhuru te karearea e topa, e kohikohi, e whāngai hoki.

If a family member passes, like a great totara of the Ahimanawa, sadness

overcomes the family. Te Awahohonu Forest Trust alleviate some of the burden

with the pūtea manaaki, known as Te Rau Karearea. Despite being a mere

contribution, it is a heartfelt gesture to the bereaved. With feathers the great

hawk could soar, gather and provide sustenance.


Pūtea for Tangihanga will be paid to a whānau -

  • Of a Beneficial Owner who dies as owner.
  • Of a Beneficial Owner dying after transferring their shares to a Whānau Trust.
  • That is Immediate Whānau, they being children taking their parent's place after their parent dies, then their children [mokopuna) after they die, in perpetuity.

In special circumstances the Trustees have the discretion to approve the payment of Pūtea for Tangihanga

Beneficial Owners means an owner registered with the Māori Land Court or a Beneficial Owner who transfers their shares to a Whānau Trust before they die.

Immediate Whānau means a child or children of a deceased Beneficial Owner with Whakapapa to the Whenua where that owner's shares are now held in a Whānau Trust.


please contact the secretary – Gardiner Knobloch Ltd 06 835 5018 or


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